Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Following is our areas of works:

EVENT MANAGEMENT : We arrange Celebrity,venue, light, sound, singer, band, dance troup, DJ, Anchor, Host, stage decoration etc.

CORPORATE EVENETS: We manage various corporate events like executive meeting, manager/director/distributor/dealer meetings, conference and entertainment party, supply of gift itemwith printed company logo and any necessary materials.

PRODUCT PROMOTION: Indoor and outdoor marketing of products, It includes in-shop product selling, corporate visit, designing and implementing market survey. Mall, street promotion, road show, Outdoor hording, spot booking, TV, F.M. and Bus back panel advertisement.

MANPOWER SUPPORT: Providing female and male promoters, host/hostess, campaigner, service boys and girls etc.

PRINTING: Printing and fitting of kioskDangler, sun pack, stall marketing, flex, banner glow sign board, visiting card, Brochure etc.

Promotion at Shopping Mall

Industrial Fair

Press Conference Organized by SWASTIKA